Work Experience
Are you a school or college student looking for a work placement to gain real work experience?
Are you passionate about helping someone or contributing to someone’s life directly or indirectly?
Deafroots has a track record of helping local school and university students to gain experience within a charity setting.
Skills and Experience you can gain from work experience:
An insight into the way a charity organization operates and the challenges they face.
Increase your interpersonal and communication skills.
Improve your organizational skills and your ability to prioritize your workload and manage your time effectively.
Reflection and self-awareness, helping to clarify your own career goals.
Build your confidence, resilience, and self-esteem.
Become more employable - employers look for students with practical experience.
Networking - meet new people.
Learn new skills and turn your existing knowledge into practical experience.
Additionally, gain awareness of the deaf community and how to sign basic BSL.
Work experience options available for you:
Office-based experience - administrative duties.
Media and technology - Create a video or small project using your media and technology skills.
Event management - learn how to organize meetings and events.